Laumont has a long tradition of digital artistry and high end beauty, fashion and product retouching. From concept to completion, collaboration between you and our digital image experts is key in turning your vision into reality. Our digital artists work together with you to creatively manipulate and control every characteristic of your image. We use our world class experience, expertise and the latest technology in portrait, celebrity and fashion retouching, product enhancement, design and restoration, photo manipulation to deliver your project, print ready in a timely fashion.
Each image will be charged a minimum of one hour ($200/hr) . Additional time will be charged in half hour increments. Services are quoted on a per-project basis. When retouching is a part of a print project, we must proof on the final printing device and surface. The charge for this proofing is not part of the retouching fee. All finals will be archived and are available for retrieval at anytime.
If you would like to receive an estimate or schedule a consultation, please call or email our digital retouching and illustration department for more information at 212-245-2113 ext.3 or